'The text is especially valuable for the facts the author presents in regard to demographic movements and the denominational allegiances of the urban population during Ottoman rule. This historical study should be read by those who are interested in contemporary events.' H. T. Norris Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies1996
'The booklet gives a good insight into the character and historical role of all three essential elements of the population in Bosnia: Muslims Roman Catholics and Orthodox Christians.' Smail Balic Journal of Islamic Studies (Oxford) Vol.9 No.1 (1998)
'Handzic's book serves as an introduction for outsiders to the ideas and arguments developed in the review Prilozi za Oriejentalnu Filologiju i Istoriju Jugoslevenskih Naroda pod Turskom Vladavinom over several decades by Bosnia's pre-eminent historians of Ottoman culture and history.' Michael R. Hickok Turkish Studies Association Bulletin Vol.21 No.1 (1997)