BASIC ENGLİSH GRAMMAR fielly Sehraınpfer Azar Stacy A. Hagen Third Edition Basic English dramınar is a classic developraental skills text for beginning students of English as a second or tbreign language. While keeping thc same basic approach and material as in carlier editions. the third edition more fıılly develops communicative and intcraciive hınguage-learning activities. Soınc of the new features arc:
• Greaily increased speaking praclice through cxtcnsive use of pair and group work
• The addition of structurc-focuscd listening exerciscs ihroughout
• Audio CDs and listening script in (he back of the Studcnt Book
• More activities Ihal provide x;al communication" opportunities in the rcal-time. ıcal'placc con!ext of thc classroom
• Aailablc wilh or without Answer Key
• \ew scparalc BEG Workbook devoted soJely to self-study exercises