Orta ve Orta-üst seviyede İngilizce öğrenler için öğrencilerin okuma eleştirel düşünme becerilerini ve kelime edinimlerini geliştirmek ve güçlendirmek için tasarlanmış üç kitaptan oluşan serinin 3. kitabı çalışma kitabı ve CDsi.
Reading Peak is a three-level non-fiction reading series designed for intermediate to high intermediate students. Compelling topics motivate students and make reading exercises informative and meaningful.
This series presents background knowledge passages to ensure a better understanding of topics while engaging the interest of readers. All readings are based on carefully considered word lists to expand students' vocabulary and develop their reading fluency.
This series includes reading comprehension questions to enhance students' critical thinking skills. With Reading Peak students are ready to become advanced readers.
• Engaging academic non-fiction readings in various forms of writing
• Interesting informative background knowledge
• Exercises to improve reading speed
• Open-ended questions that strengthen students' thinking and writing skills
• Basic reading strategies accompanied by simple exercises
• Level-appropriate word lists and definitions before each main reading
• Graphic organizers to support students' mind mapping abilities
• Workbook for more vocabulary grammar and writing practice
• CD