Get hands-on guidance for exploiting Web Forms capabilities with ASP.NET 2.0.
Get the focused straightforward information you need to master the most common challenges in developing real-world Web Forms applications. Whether you're a new or experienced developer you'll learn the essential techniques for exploiting new forms and controls in Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 enabling you to write Web applications more quickly and with less code.
Discover how to:
•Work with standard ASP.NET controls for common tasks
•Create your own user controls and custom server controls
•Lay out forms with HTML and Cascading Style Sheets
•Create common page elements just once with Master Pages
•Style your Web Forms with themes and skins
•Add Web Parts and allow users to personalize pages
•Access and edit data with Microsoft ADO.NET objects
•Bind data to your form controls without adding any code
•Create security-enhanced Web applications
•Integrate your Web forms with Windows Forms applications