Automation Programmer's Reference
Automation Programmer's Reference
    • Basım Yılı
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      1. Hm. Kağıt
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      Karton Kapak
    • ISBN-13
    881,31 TL
    731,49 TL
    With the revolutionary power of ActiveXTM and OLE you can manipulate application objects from outside the application in Microsoft® Windows® 95 and Microsoft Windows NT®. And this book newly revised and expanded gives you the information you need to do it. AUTOMATION PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE describes and explains essential topics such as:

    Building applications and programming tools (ActiveX components that act as clients) that expose objects which can then be acted on by other executable ActiveX components

    Using one application to create and manipulate ActiveX objects that are exposed in another application

    Developing ActiveX components that act as clients

    In addition you get specific procedural and reference information that:

    Defines standard Automation objects and provides naming guidelines

    Describes the programmability interfaces and standards for exposing these interfaces for ActiveX controls

    Provides access to data manipulation functions

    Shows how to generate read bind and extend type descriptions

    Explains how to create and extend type libraries

    Offers rich error-handling interfaces

    Features new ITypeInfo2 and ITypeLib2 interfaces for performance improvements

    Contains new functions for accessing and manipulating custom data in a type library

    This book is a welcome addition to the technical libraries of Windows 95 and Windows NT programmers Visual Basic® and Visual Basic for Applications programmers and anyone else who wants the official word on Automation
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