Microsoft Access 2000/Visual Basic for Applications Fundamentals
Microsoft Access 2000/Visual Basic for Applications Fundamentals
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    • ISBN-13
    MICROSOFT® ACCESS 2000 VISUAL BASIC® FOR APPLICATIONS FUNDAMENTALS is the teach-yourself guide to using Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) to take control of Access. You'll learn to automate databases write your own functions and procedures customize menus and toolbars connect applications to the Web and more. The easy-to-follow lessons include clear objectives and real-world business examples so that you can learn exactly what you need to know at your own speed. Prepared by an author with extensive knowledge of VBA and Access this book is a revision of MICROSOFT ACCESS 97 VISUAL BASIC/STEP BY STEP. The new version guides you through the development of three sample applications and includes approximately fifteen hours of instruction with numerous screen shots and illustrations.
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