Get two top Office 2000 learning tools in one integrated solution: • MICROSOFT® OFFICE 2000 STEP BY STEP tutorial book • MICROSOFT® OFFICE 2000 STARTS HERE® interactive CD-ROM
The MICROSOFT® OFFICE 2000 STEP BY STEP LEARNING KIT lets you determine what you need to learn and formulate your own lesson plan. You get the learning advantages of a proven Step by Step tutorial book plus interactive CD-ROM-based training. And the companion CD has a unified index and search feature that makes the Learning Kit a valuable ongoing reference resource. The kit covers Microsoft Excel 2000 Word 2000 PowerPoint® 2000 Access 2000 Publisher 2000 and Outlook® 2000. MICROSOFT PRESS® STEP BY STEP LEARNING KIT provides both multimedia-based and print-based hands-on instruction so you can choose the teaching method that best meets your needs. This integrated solution gives you the training you need the way you want it. You'll learn the information better use it more effectively and have fun doing so. This kit lets you:
• Measure what you know with assessment exams
• Practice with real-world examples
• Learn through interactive lessons
• Find exactly what you're looking for