Welcome to the easy convenient way to teach yourself how to use the most exciting operating system for your home PC.
This book lets you learn Microsoft® Windows® Millennium Edition (Windows Me) at your own pace from the teacher who knows you best you. Work through every lesson to complete the full course or do individual lessons to learn just the skills you need. Using this book and Microsoft Windows Me you'll learn how to:
• Start faster and get more out of your PC! Personalize how your PC looks and works. Organize and compress files and folders. Set up accessibility options so that everyone can enjoy a PC.
• Go online for a rich Internet experience! Browse the Web send e?mail and join online news and hobby groups.
• Enjoy the best in digital media! Play CDs and DVDs and record edit and play digital sounds. Watch TV listen to the radio and play digital video on your PC. Import edit and view digital photos.
• Set up an easy home network! Install a network to share files folders hardware or a phone line. Exchange files with a PC at work.