Programming ADO
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      1. Hm. Kağıt
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      Karton Kapak
    • ISBN-13
    1.763,63 TL
    1.463,81 TL
    Create seamless database connectivity faster with ADO!

    Create data access applications faster and with simpler code using this expert guide to Microsoft® ActiveX® Data Objects (ADO). PROGRAMMING ADO delivers practical problem-solving guidance for exploiting the Universal Data Access in ADO helping you understand what goes on under the hood so you don't code yourself into a corner. To begin the author deftly guides you through the ADO object model sharing his expertise as a Microsoft developer support professional on the properties methods and events that most commonly challenge the ADO programmer. You'll learn how to use the ADO Cursor Engine to expedite development and how to work effectively within its limitations. Then you'll focus on building your proficiency with ADO programming techniques including ways to:

    • Master the use of Connection Command and Recordset objects and the new Record and Stream objects in ADO 2.5 to programmatically access data in traditional stores and in Internet applications
    • Examine techniques for updating databases understanding the pros and cons for development time execution time flexibility and control
    • Learn how choosing specific cursor types will affect the performance and scalability of Microsoft SQL Server™ Microsoft Access Oracle and other databases
    • Use the powerful RAD libraries of the ADO Cursor Engine to create database-independent code that's easier to update and maintain
    • Utilize ADO features to better manage transactions in multiuser applications and detect and resolve conflicts
    • Let COM do the dirty work of handling interprocess communication between objects
    • Use Remote Data Service to extend your database applications to the Web
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