"Now in getting under weigh the station generally occupied by the pilot is the forward part of the ship. And here Bildad who with Peleg be it known in addition to his other officers was one of the licensed pilots of the port he being suspected to have got himself made a pilot in order to save the Nantucket pilot- fee to all the ships he was concerned in for he never piloted any other craft Bildad I say might now be seen actively engaged in looking over the bows for the approaching anchor and at intervals singing what seemed a dismal stave of psalmody to cheer the hands at the windlass who roared forth some sort of a chorus about the girls in Booble Alley with hearty good will. Nevertheless not three days previous Bildad had told hem that no profane songs would be allowed on board the Pequod particularly in getting under weigh; and Charity his sister had placed a small choice copy of Watts in each seaman's berth.."