1. IntroductIon
2. Embryology of the eye
3. Anatomy of the eye
4. The hIstology of the retIna
4.1. Blind spot
4.2. Blurred vision
5. RetInal pIgment epIthelIum
5.1. Blood-retinal barrier
5.2. Protection against oxidative stress
5.3. Transport:
5.4. Visual cycle
5.5. Phagocytosis
5.6. Stabilization of ion composition
5.7. Secretion
5.8. Immunomodulation
6. Bruch's membrane
7. ChoroId
8. ChorIoretInal dIsorders
8.1. Diabetic retinopathy
8.2. Age-related macular degeneration
8.3. Retinal vein occlusion
8.4. Retinal detacment
8.5. Central serous chorioretinopathy
8.6. Polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy
8.7. Inherited retinal disorders
8.7.1. Retinitis pigmentosa
8.7.2. Stargardt disease
8.7.3. Best Disease
8.7.4. Bietti Crystalline Dystrophy
8.8. Hereditary Choroidal Dystrophies
9. ConclusIon