Since designing his first light fixture for the Herman Miller showroom in Munich in 1966 Ingo Maurer has been illuminating lives. That creation a light bulb within a light bulb was so successful that Maurer had to manufacture more just to meet the initial demand. Since then his work has been exhibited in countless museums and has brightened bridges artistic exhibitions airport lobbies and other retail and commercial spaces. With a laminated cover linen spine and glittering silver foil page edges this retrospective illustrates an extensive selection of Maurer's lamps and lighting systems while his work is profiled by such design experts as Issey Miyake and Paola Antonelli.
''Ingo Maurer: Işıkla Tasarım''
1966'da Münih'teki Herman Miiler Gösteri Merkezi için tasarladığı ilk armatürlerden bu yana Ingo Maurer yaşamları aydınlatıyor. Bu harika tasarımcının müzeleriköprüleriticaret merkezlerini aydınlatan ve briçok farkı teknikle malzemeyle ürettiği eserlerinin tamamını bu kitapta buılabilirsiniz.