Renaissance art history is traditionally identified with Italian centers of production and Florence in particular. Instead this book explores the dynamic interchange between European artistic centers and artists; no city or court could succeed in isolation and so artists operated within a network of interests and local and international identities. Illustrated with 200 color photos and reproductions the case studies presented in this book portray the Renaissance as an exciting international phenomenon with cities and courts inextricably bound together in a web of economic and political interests. The book also considers the impact of differing locations on art and artists and some of the economic political and cultural factors crucial to the emergence of an artistic center.
''Rönesans Sanatını Konumlamak:Rönesans Sanatının Cilt 2''
Rönesans sanatı tarihi çoğunlukla İtalya ve Floransa üzerinden tanımlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada tam avrupa'da farklı yerlerin sanatçıların ve ekonomik politik ve kültürel faktörlerin dönemi nasıl etkilediği 200 adet fotoğrafla desteklenerek anlatılıyor.