Beautifully and clearly illustrated with hundreds of color photographs and drawings this acupuncture encyclopedia can help students and practitioners to find the precise locations of acupuncture points and also to understand the overall energy network in three dimensions. Many of the photos have the bone muscular or organ systems superimposed as they detail the main meridians secondary circuits and internal branches of the energy network of the body. This guide has been approved by the College of Chinese Medicine is the go-to resource for the study and practice of this healing art.
''Fotoğraflı Akupunktur Atlası''
Renkli fotoğraf ve çizimleriyle görselleştirilmiş bu ansiklopedi öğrenciler ve pratisyenler için akupunktura dair teknikleri uygulama noktalarını ve diğer ayrıntıları öğrenebildiğikleri bir rehber.