Stories / Stage -1
Stories / Stage -1
    • Basım Yılı
    • Sayfa Sayısı
    • Kağıt Türü
      1. Hm. Kağıt
    • Ebat
      13,5 x 21
    • Dil
    • Cilt Durumu
      Karton Kapak
    • ISBN-13
    6,48 TL
    4,54 TL
    As the title may suggest this book contains three gripping stories by Anton Chekhov.

    In "The Misfortune" Chekhov tells about the love of Sofya and Ilyin. "The Darling" is about the life of a woman named Olenka. She goes through many things and finds true love at the end. "The Bet" is about a man who makes an interesting bet with a rich man and locks himself in a room for ten years.

    Sis Readers (Stage 1)
    Sis Readers is a series of retold and simplified stories which are classifed into 5 stages each stage consists of 10 story books in accordance with their degrees of difficulty. The selected stories are chosen among the wold-wide known fairy tales mythological narratives and short stories of famous authors.

    This series provides students and english learners of all ages with reading materials which help them improve their reading
    comprehension and vocabulary skills. Each book has its own extensive exercises and dictionary.
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