The first large empire in the heart of Anatolia: The Hittite country...
The greed of ambitious kings for land. A history written in blood.
Kadesh the first great war in history. A hopeless longing.
A young woman who experiences love as a sin. People cursed by Gods.
A man who pays for his curse through war. A cruel world two people whose love takes refuge in a rambling castle...
A scream coming from many years ago... A cry against war.
Welcome oh traveler of far away roads
bearer of good tidings
you who carries the fatigue of wisdom on your shoulders
and the excitement of the unknown in your eyes
welcome to my old country
to the lands of the Hattians with its thousand Gods
to beautiful Hattusha...
Welcome to happiness fallen ill
to long-lived sorrow
to the lament that you will bring to an end.
Welcome to orphaned streets
empty squares
to my poor home.
I've been expecting you
for long nights and long days
for cheerful springs
saturated summers
tired autumns
and scorched winters
for many
many long years.