''Napoleon Hill's philosophy teaches you what you were never taught. Specifically: how to recognize relate assimilate and apply principles whereby you can achieve any goal whatsoever that doesn't violate Universal Law - the Law of God and the rights of your fellowman.'' --W. Clement Stone chairman combined international corporation president The Napoleon Hill Foundation
''During the past twenty-five years I have been blessed with more good fortune than any individual deserves but I shudder to think where I'd be today or what I'd be doing if I had not been exposed to Napoleon Hill's philosophy. It changed my life.'' --Og Mandino author and lecturer
''I knew Napoleon Hill in 1922 when I was a student in Salem College in the town of my birth. Mr. Hill came to our campus as the commencement speaker in that year. As I listened to him I heard something other than just the words he spoke I felt the substance - the wisdom - and the spirit of a man and his philosophy. Mr. Hill said 'the most powerful instrument we have in our hand is the power of our mind.' Napoleon Hill compiled this philosophy of American achievement for the benefit of all people. I strongly commend this philosophy to you for achievement and service in your chosen field.'' --Senator Jennings Randolph West Virginia --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.