Genre Analysis Based Pedagogy
  • 10 İŞ GÜNÜ
  • Basım Yılı
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  • Kağıt Türü
    Kitap Kağıdı
  • Ebat
    13,5 x 21
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  • Cilt Durumu
    Karton Kapak
  • ISBN-13
Writing for academic purposes is a tricky issue especially for researchers who are eager to be recognized by larger academic discourse communites through their publications. Indeed writing for prestigious databases and especially in English has been the basic concern of researchers with EFL background. However in the last thirty years the leading figures in ESP and EAP realms have developed pedagogical writing models and emphasized the critical role of genre analysis as road map in academic writing for researchers with the very term of John Swales who are looking for creating research space in local and international academic platforms. Thus driven from these inspiring models in the literature which are basicly prolific outcomes of genre based writing pedagogy I as a researcher eager to cover all these pragmatic tools in a way that reseachers and especially novice researchers would easily catch the essence of writing for academic discourses in terms of positioning themselves in these discourses by synthesizing relevant parts of my master thesis and dissertation. Thus as a motivational inspring and reader friendly guide Genre Analysis Based Pedagogy: Writing for Academic Discourses firstly explains genre as a term within paradigms and the critical position of genre analysis based writing pedagogy and genre analysis as methodology. Followingly the models specifically put by ESP and EAP experts and practitioners are provided briefly and clearly for researchers in such a way that will guide them in rhetorically and lexico-grammatically structuring of their academic texts or academic genres section by section and holistically in English. Thus through this self-help book researchers can organize their academic genres with a professional academic tone in English which will ease as Hyland pointed out contextualizing their genres into wider academic contexts.
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