"The summer moon shone brightly down upon the sleeping earth while far away from mortal eyes danced the Fairy folk. Fire-flies hung in bright clusters on the dewy leaves that waved in the cool night-wind; and the flowers stood gazing in very wonder at the little Elves who lay among the fern-leaves swung in the vine-boughs sailed on the lake in lily cups or danced on the mossy ground to the music of the harebells who rung out their merriest peal in honor of the night. Under the shade of a wild rose sat the Queen and her little Maids of Honor beside the silvery mushroom where the feast was spread. "Now my friends" said she "to wile away the time till the bright moon goes down let us each tell a tale or relate what we have done or learned this day. I will begin with you Sunny Lock" added she turning to a lovely little Elf who lay among the fragrant leaves of a primrose."