Alexander The Great
Alexander The Great
  • 4 İŞ GÜNÜ
  • Basım Yılı
  • Sayfa Sayısı
  • Kağıt Türü
    Kitap Kağıdı
  • Ebat
    13,5 x 21
  • Dil
  • Cilt Durumu
    Karton Kapak
  • ISBN-13
Alexander the Great died when he was quite young. He was but thirty-two years of age when he ended his career and as he was about twenty when he commenced it it was only for a period of twelve years that he was actually engaged in performing the work of his life. Napoleon was nearly three times as long on the great field of human action.

Notwithstanding the briefness of Alexander's career he ran through during that short period a very brilliant series of exploits which were so bold so romantic and which led him into such adventures in scenes of the greatest magnificence and splendor that all the world looked on with astonishment then and mankind have continued to read the story since from age to age with the greatest interest and attention.
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