By tackling the climate crisis and saving our biodiversity we are securing the health and well-being of all people on earth. I welcome the First Lady Emine Erdoğan's strong voice in this debate in Türkiye.
Frans Timmermans
Executive vice president for Europian Green Deal
We apreciate First Lady Emine Erdoğan's Zero Waste Project and her inspiring leadership about global climate change. We believe that thanks to this leadership many political leaders will come together and make sincere efforts for efficient use of natural resources.
MaimuNah Mohd Sharif
Executive Director of the United Nations
Human Settlements Programme
As First Lady Emine Erdoğan states climate change is the greatest problem of our century. As COP26
President I very much welcome the First Lady's ongoing commitment to tackling climate change and environmental degradation and thank her for bringing together this collection of motivational stories. The world is our common home and we must protect it.
Alok Sharma
COP-26 President