In his second released work the poet turns his life into poems. Love loss sorrow pain and everything in between overflows from the lines of the sophomore book. Good Faith Wounds sees the poet take an even more personal turn and cover topics such as life family friends past & present besides love. Sharp composition and connected poems unveil stories of life and its sophistication between the lines. Poet's unique style and pioneering writing combine to create a new gem with purple lines and an ardent manner.
Read the love in "Wedding Night" "Holding Hands" and "Sonnet of Lost Sky".
Dive into the gloom in "Conundrums" "My Composure" and "Mall Music".
Meet with pain in "Ultraviolence" "Ghosted" and "Tears of I Don't Know".
With deep cuts like "Violently Violet" "Hands of the Sun" "Misfits" and "My Pierced Vein" this book is a winning work and a stand out among peers.