Thisbook contains thepapersof the First InternationalCongresson Islamic Archaeology which aimedatpromotingstudieson "Islamic Archaeology" as a distinctperiodandsubject within thediscipline. The congress was heldat IRCICA in 2005. Later a secondcongresson Islamic Archaeology wasorganised in IslamabadPakistan in 2011. Thebookbegins with thetextsof theaddressesdelivered at theopeningceremony includingthoseof thePrime Minister ofTurkey Mr. RecepTayyipErdoğan andtheSecretary Generalof the OICProf.Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu.Thepresentationsat thecongressaregroupedin two parts titled "On-Site Research and Excavations" and "Research perspectives in Islamic archaeology". The papers deal with the state and the results of research and excavations on Islamic archaeology in different countries and regions or communicate the outcomes of studies on particular archaeological sites dating from different periods of the Islamic era. At the end of the book is an outline of the participants' recommendations.