The UN Reform New Approaches and Türkiye's Perspective
The UN Reform New Approaches and Türkiye's Perspective
  • 4 İŞ GÜNÜ
  • Basım Yılı
  • Sayfa Sayısı
  • Kağıt Türü
    Kitap Kağıdı
  • Ebat
    15 x 23
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  • Cilt Durumu
    Karton Kapak
  • ISBN-13
The United Nations has been facing reform proposals ever since its inception in 1945. Lengthy discussions and negotiations on the proposals have taken place in the General Assembly but only a handful of them were ever approved. The majority of such proposals especially touching on the composition and power of the UNSC members remained academic brainstorming. This does not by any means downgrade the significance of the efforts as the UN system fails dramatically in preventing some serious global problems of protecting peace and security as well as preventing systematic human rights violations and hunger globally. Recent years have witnessed increasing demands toward reforming the UN following striking failures especially in protecting peace and security. This book brings together some analyses of UN reform proposals in general and some proposals that come from the states that form regional groups to reflect their commonalities and communalities in the process
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