The Greek Theater and Its Drama
The Greek Theater and Its Drama
  • 4 İŞ GÜNÜ
  • Basım Yılı
  • Sayfa Sayısı
  • Kağıt Türü
    Kitap Kağıdı
  • Ebat
    13,5 x 21
  • Dil
  • Cilt Durumu
    Karton Kapak
  • ISBN-13
"Prior to the outbreak of the world-war in Europe it seemed that America was about topass through a period of great popular interest in the drama. With the return of normalactivities consequent upon the coming of peace it is to be hoped that this interest may berevived and may continue to grow. So far as such interest is hysterical or manifested byattempts at play-writing on the part of those without training experience or naturalaptitude it has little to commend it. On the other hand nothing can be more wholesomethan a widespread comprehension of the origin history and basic principles of tragedyand comedy. Thus we are deeply indebted to the successive scholars who haveundertaken to analyze Elizabethan drama and assign to Seneca the Latin comediansAristotle the Greek playwrights and the various mediaeval elements their respectiveshares of influence. But as the ultimate source of all other dramatic art the Greeks'contribution whether in precept or example must ever occupy a unique position.Accordingly no effort however humble to make the theater and drama of the Greeksmore widely known ought to require an apology."
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